What to Expect at Forest School

Embrace the Wild: A Day at Forest School

Imagine a place where school-aged children ditch the screens and textbooks, trading them for muddy boots, inquisitive minds, and the boundless playground of nature. This is the heart of WILD Ones Forest School, a program designed to ignite a love for the outdoors and cultivate well-rounded individuals through real-life adventures.

Forest School Ethos: Learning Through Playful Exploration

Our philosophy is holistic planning and management in all things. From the food we grow to the events we host. The same principle applies in Forest School; children of all ages learn best through play. Unlike traditional learning spaces, Forest School embraces the freedom of an unstructured environment. We believe in fostering a deep connection with nature, where exploration sparks curiosity, free play ignites creativity, and hands-on activities nurture a sense of wonder.

The Power of SPICES: Cultivating Holistic Development

While free play is at the core of our program, each Forest School session is meticulously planned with a framework called the SPICES model in mind. This ensures a well-rounded experience, promoting development across six key areas:

  • Social (S): Collaboration is key at Forest School. Children work together to build shelters, solve problems encountered during their adventures, and learn the art of communication and empathy within a supportive group setting.

  • Physical (P): The outdoors becomes a giant gym! Children climb trees, navigate natural obstacles, and expend energy in free play. Forest School fosters a healthy appreciation for movement and teaches valuable risk-management skills.

  • Intellectual (I): Curiosity is our compass. Forest School encourages children to ask questions, delve into the mysteries of the natural world, and learn through hands-on experiences. From identifying flora and fauna to navigating with a compass, children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Creative (C): Nature is the ultimate inspiration board. The forest can provide natural materials like leaves, twigs, and stones, and I might supply support materials like twine and scissors and let imagination take flight. Children create elaborate nature sculptures, build imaginative forts, and express themselves through art projects inspired by their surroundings.

  • Emotional (E): The natural world provides a calming and nurturing space. At Forest School, children learn to manage their emotions, build self-confidence, and develop resilience as they overcome challenges and navigate social interactions.

  • Spiritual (S): Forest School fosters a sense of connection to the earth. Children learn about the ecosystem's delicate balance, develop respect for nature, especially our forests, and experience the profound sense of peace and wonder that comes from being present in the natural world.

A Day in the Life of a Forest Schooler

A typical day at Forest School is a vibrant tapestry woven with exploration, discovery, and a healthy dose of mud! Here's a sneak peek:

  • Welcome Circle: We gather to greet one another and commence that session, share observations about our natural surroundings, and create a clear mindset to be in nature together.

  • Free Play Extravaganza: Unleash the inner adventurer! Children have ample time to explore, build forts, climb, and engage in imaginative play with their peers. The experienced facilitator will always present to ensure safety, offer gentle guidance, and introduce new elements to pique curiosity.

  • Skill-Building Adventures: We delve into the world of practical outdoor skills. Depending on the session's theme, children might learn the art of fire safety and camp cooking, practice basic orienteering using a compass, or collaborate to build a forest school food garden.

  • Nature Connection Activities: From learning to identify birdsong to observing fascinating insects, the aim is to weave nature-based activities into the day. These activities foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world and ignite a thirst for knowledge.

  • Stories by the Fire: Weather permitting, we gather around a crackling fire to enjoy stories that celebrate nature's wonders and inspire further exploration. From swapping and sharing stories from each other’s culture to reading about interesting adventures in Australia and around the world.

  • Closing Circle: As the session draws to a close, we gather to reflect on our discoveries, share experiences, and express gratitude for the time spent outdoors.

Forest School: More Than Just an Adventure

Forest School offers a transformative experience that extends beyond children. Parents can expect:

  • Witnessing their child blossom: See them build confidence, develop social skills, and discover a newfound love for the natural world.

  • Reconnecting with nature: Join your child in exploring the outdoors and rediscovering the simple joys of nature play in your home time.

  • Building a supportive community: Connect with other families who share your sustainability values and foster a connection to the environment.

Ready to Spark a Lifelong Love of Nature?

WILD Ones Forest School offers a unique opportunity for school-aged children to learn, explore, and thrive in a natural environment. With a focus on holistic development and fostering a deep connection to the outdoors, our program is more than just an after-school activity or outdoor education; it's a springboard for lifelong learning and adventure.

Want to learn more about forest school, home school and all things nature? Check out these interesting articles and events!

Build a Wicking Bed Workshop

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