What is Forest School Anyway?

Our program offers regular and ongoing immersion in natural wild spaces, providing your child with at least 2+ hours of nature time per session, spread across multiple sessions throughout the year. This isn't just about ticking a box; it's about fostering a deep and meaningful relationship with the natural world.

Think of it this way: the more time your child spends exploring the wonders of the bush, the more they'll appreciate its delicate balance. They'll witness the changing seasons first hand, learn to identify native plants and animals, and discover the sheer joy of building a fort out of fallen branches. Over time, this immersion fosters a sense of environmental responsibility, making them natural stewards of our precious ecosystems.

Connection to Country: Learning from the Wisdom of the Past

Australia's land holds a rich history and we acknowledge and respect the ancient connection of First Nations people to the land. We have actively sought meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities, incorporating their perspectives and knowledge into our programs where applicable. This might involve learning stories about the land, participating in cultural activities, or simply fostering a deeper understanding of First Nations' deep respect for nature.

By honouring this connection to Country, we create a more inclusive learning environment and ensure your child develops a holistic appreciation for the land they walk upon.

Free Play and Natural Learning: Unleashing the Power of Imagination

Forget rigid schedules and pre-determined activities. Here, we believe in the power of free play! Our Forest School programs are designed with a flexible structure, allowing us to follow the natural flow and rhythm of your child's intuitive play. This means long periods of free exploration, where they can climb trees, build forts, create elaborate stories with sticks and stones, and simply connect with nature on their own terms. Most sessions include hikes in the forest, but also includes down time at base camp. In either, kids lead the way.

Of course, we're always there to guide and support their explorations. We might introduce them to new tools and techniques, encourage curiosity through open-ended questions, or provide gentle nudges when needed. But ultimately, the learning journey belongs to your child. Through this free play, they develop problem-solving skills, build confidence, and discover a sense of wonder about the natural world around them.

Inclusivity and Accessibility: A Forest for Everyone!

At WILD Ones, we believe the magic of the forest should be accessible to everyone. Our programs are designed to be inclusive and welcoming, regardless of age, race, religion, gender, ability, or financial status. We create learning experiences that cater to individual needs, fostering a sense of identity and community cohesion within the group. Wherever possible, we strive to offer affordable and accessible programs, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to connect with nature.

Mentoring Practices: Building Resilience and Celebrating Achievements

Our Forest School Facilitators are more than just educators; they're mentors, life coaches, role models, and champions of your child's adventures. Responsive mentoring practices encourage a sense of adventure and challenge, allowing your child to take ownership of their learning journey. They celebrate personal achievements, both big and small, fostering a sense of resilience and a love for learning that extends far beyond the forest.

Sustainable Practices: Protecting Our Wild Spaces

We understand that a healthy forest is a vital classroom. That's why sustainable practices are woven into the very fabric of our program. Our Forest School Facilitators operate with a deep understanding of local ecology, ensuring that our activities have minimal environmental impact. We involve participants in learning about local flora and fauna, fostering an understanding of the importance of sustainability and responsible land use.

The Magic of Forest School: A World of Discovery Awaits!

Forest School offers a unique and enriching learning environment that goes beyond tradition. Here, your child can develop a deep connection with nature, build essential skills, and discover a lifelong love for the outdoors. Here, we foster a space where creativity flourishes, resilience grows strong, and the wisdom gained reaches far beyond the edges of the forest.

WILD Ones Forest School offers innovative programs that help children build resilience, confidence, and a deep connection to nature. We believe that nature is the best classroom, and our experienced educators guide children on a journey of discovery through play-based learning in a safe and supportive environment. Join our growing enrolments and secure first option for sessions.

Nature has so much to offer our children. By providing them with opportunities for outdoor exploration, we're setting them up for success in life. So lace up those boots, and get ready for an adventure! Where will your next nature play journey take you?

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Key Elements to Forest School