WILD Ones Forest School & Forest Adventure Tours

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How We Spent Nature Play Week

Nature Play Week: Let's Get Wild (Outside)!

Did you know there was a whole week dedicated to the magic of outdoor play? That's right, from April 8th to 18th, it was Nature Play Week! This global celebration reminds us of the immense value of letting kids loose in the great outdoors.

For many of us, our childhood memories are filled with adventures in nature. Building forts in the backyard, catching tadpoles in the creek, and climbing the tallest tree in the neighborhood – these simple experiences weren't just fun, they were crucial for our development.

But in an increasingly digital world, where screens often take center stage, many children are missing out on the incredible benefits of unstructured outdoor play. This is where forest school programs like WILD Ones Forest School in Pemberton, Western Australia, come in.

Why is Nature Play So Important?

Nature is a sensory wonderland brimming with opportunities for learning and growth. Here are just a few reasons why nature play is essential for children:

  • Physical Development: Climbing, running, jumping, and digging – these are all natural movements that help children develop gross motor skills, coordination, and balance.

  • Cognitive Development: Exploring the outdoors sparks curiosity and encourages problem-solving skills. From figuring out how to build a sturdy den to navigating a new trail, nature provides a playground for little minds.

  • Social and Emotional Development: Playing with friends in nature fosters teamwork, communication, and social interaction. It also provides a safe space for children to express themselves freely and manage emotions.

  • Mental Wellbeing: Studies show that spending time in nature reduces stress, improves mood, and boosts concentration. The fresh air, sunshine, and calming sounds of the forest have a powerful restorative effect.

  • Connection to the Environment: By fostering a love for nature in their early years, we can nurture a generation of environmental stewards who appreciate and care for the planet.

Nature Play Week may be over, but the joy of outdoor exploration continues! So, how can you encourage your little adventurer to get wild (outside)?

Credit: Pip Raud Photography

  • Embrace the Simple Things: Sometimes the most engaging activities require minimal set-up. Let your child take the lead. Explore a local park, build a fairy house in the backyard, or just set up a picnic blanket and watch the clouds.

  • Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of natural treasures to find – different colored leaves, interesting rocks, or types of flowers. This turns a walk into an exciting treasure hunt.

  • Get Messy: Nature is messy! Embrace it! Let your child dig in the dirt, splash in puddles, and climb trees. Provide them with clothes that can get dirty (and easily wash!)

  • Limit Screen Time: It's a constant battle, but try to set boundaries around screen time. This opens up space for more unplugged exploration in the great outdoors.

  • Lead by Example: Kids learn best by watching. Make outdoor play a family activity. Go for hikes together, have a backyard campout, or simply enjoy a meal outdoors. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.

WILD Ones Forest School offers innovative programs that help children build resilience, confidence, and a deep connection to nature. We believe that nature is the best classroom, and our experienced educators guide children on a journey of discovery through play-based learning in a safe and supportive environment. Join our growing waitlist to secure first option for sessions.

Nature has so much to offer our children. By providing them with opportunities for outdoor exploration, we're setting them up for success in life. So lace up those boots, grab some sunscreen, and get ready for an adventure! Where will your next nature play journey take you?